Fall for Sustainability

The leaves paint the skies in reds, yellows, and oranges. The smell of spiced pumpkin lattes permeates the air. Scarves grace the necks of shivering people walking to their next class. It is a wonderfully spirited time of the year when we get to experience the colorful, chilly transition to winter. And with this incoming chill and holiday cheer come coffee, decorations, and warm clothing. Here are some tips to keep your breezy days more eco-conscious this fall and upcoming winter:

1) Bring a reusable mug to your coffee shop. Starbucks will even give you $0.10 off of your beverage. Some places have even better deals. In California, Philz Coffee will let you pay the price of a small beverage for any size mug you bring. Disposable coffee cups are especially hard to recycle because of their combination of plastic and paper, so bring your reusable mug to save waste.

2) Grocery shop for in-season foods. Out-of-season foods require more travel and refrigeration. Fruits that are in-season for November include apples, oranges, pears, and pomegranates. Vegetables include artichokes, beets, brussels sprouts, and squash. Also, try going to your local farmer’s market for local fruits and vegetables.

3) As Thanksgiving nears, decorations begin to adorn our houses and apartments. Instead of buying plastic goodies, try decorating with biodegradable items. Buy some in-season pumpkins; pick up leaves and pine cones from around your neighborhood to decorate your table for dinner; arrange branches and plants in a vase for an added touch to your living room.

4) Invest in coats, sweaters, and boots that will last you many years and remain in style. A more expensive wool sweater that will keep you warm and hold the test of time is a better investment than a cheap sweater that necessitates multiple layers to keep you warm and ultimately deteriorates at the end of the season. (I have made this mistake before.)