Green Beauty Tips

Go into your bathroom. Look in your cupboards, on your counter, in your shower. Most likely the items and products there are encased in plastic. Now think about how often you go through those products and mosey onto CVS, your beauty store, or order on Amazon to restock. Now think about everyone else whose bathrooms are similar. Now think about the amount of plastic waste produced by everyone’s daily morning and night habits. Here are some products I personally have used to begin building up a zero-waste bathroom:

  1. Ethique Bar Products: I love how Ethique bars eliminate plastic bottles from my hair and face care routines. I have had conditioner bars that have last me for 6 months. Ethique does not use palm oil, saves water, does not produce plastic waste, and ethically sources raw materials. The bars are easy to travel with as you add the liquid in the shower, so no fusing with getting mini bottles for carry-on. I have used SuperStar! face cleansing and make-up removing bar for around a year. I usually wet a washcloth and in a circular motion, scrub the bar on the cloth. I then use the cloth on my face, intermittently wetting it or scrubbing on the bar more until my makeup is off. It also doubles as a moisturizer for me because, after washing, my face is perfectly moisturized. I love the Pinkalicious shampoo because it does not strip my hair and smells amazing!

  2. Leaf Shave Razor: The Leaf Shave razor has completely replaced my disposable razors. It intimidated me at first because you put in the razor blades, but once I did it, it was so easy and not scary at all. The metal razors can be recycled and no plastic is involved. The razor is so sturdy and moves well along the skin. The inexpensive razor blades make it easy for me to replace the razors whenever I feel necessary. The razor itself is definitely an investment, but when you consider the amount I spent on the Venus razor heads, this razor will eventually save me money.

  3. Bamboo Toothbrush: To be honest, when I first used the brush, I felt uncomfortable having the wood in my mouth. But as I continued using it, I began to be very comfortable with the material. Bamboo brushes are not only sleek looking in my bathroom but significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste produces from my daily cleansing. My mother goes through toothbrushes every other month, so getting her hooked on bamboo brushes was definitely important.