Countdown to Copenhagen: DIS Study Abroad

As I anxiously await my take-off from LAX to Europe, I cannot help but imagine all the adventures that await me—making friends with my two roommates (who I am already in contact with), weekly discussions and explorations with my Social Justice LLC, acquiring new skills and knowledge in my advertising and marketing courses, snuggling up in cute coffee shops like the Living Room and Buzz Kaffebar (yes, I already found some ideal study spots), and traveling to new places.

As someone who lives bi-costal in San Diego, my hometown, and in Atlanta, my second home of Emory University, I am rather accustom to packing, following my tried and true method of cover-the-entire-floor-of-a-room-in-my-house-with-everything-I-want-to-bring-and-then-determine-what’s-necessary. Once the floor is a sufficient tip-toe maze of clothing and shoes, I start to take away items that seem less essential or redundant. And as someone whose closet consists of mainly grey, black, white, and the occasional blush, I have a pretty decent capsule wardrobe that isn’t too difficult to minimize.

I have aimed to make my footprint a little lighter on this earth, so in the video above, I feature some of the sustainable items and clothing that are coming along with me to one of the greenest cities in the world. One of my goal abroad is to learn more about Copenhagen’s sustainable practices, so that I can live an even more eco-conscious lifestyle.

So in less than 24 hours, I will be off on a great new adventure. I can’t wait to make memories, push my boundaries, capture everything, meet new people, and most importantly, learn about life in Copenhagen and live it.